Why We Love the Forbidden Romance of Thrawn & Sabine

From when Grand Admiral Thrawn uttered the name Sabine Wren in Star Wars Rebels, fans knew there was something special between them. Despite their many differences—not just an age gap of 22 years but also the fact that he is a Chiss in the Empire and she is a Mandalorian in the Rebel Alliance—they share a common goal: saving their people from destruction. What’s more, they both have a love for art. Thrawn is an art critic, while Sabine is a graffiti artist. So it’s no wonder why this forbidden romance has captivated so many Star Wars fans! Let’s explore why we love this couple so much.

The Power of Art

The shared passion for art often binds two people together, even when they come from entirely different worlds. Such is the case with Thrawn and Sabine. Both characters are passionate about art in various mediums, whether painting or sculpture for Thrawn or graffiti for Sabine. This connection brings them together at a deeper level than just military strategy and tactics; it allows them to express themselves artistically and connect emotionally.

The Forbidden Factor

As if their age gap and opposing sides of galactic politics weren’t enough to keep them apart, there is one more factor that makes this relationship particularly forbidden: our basis for this relationship lies within the Disney+ TV show Star Wars Rebels—specifically seasons 3 and 4—where Thrawn says Sabine’s name often to have yet to meet her face-to-face. It seems clear that Thrawn has developed a crush on Sabine over time despite their differences!

Enemies to Lovers

From enemies to lovers…that’s what makes this couple all the more special! The contrast between these two characters only serves to bring out the best qualities in each other despite their seemingly insurmountable obstacles; it allows viewers to witness actual growth over time as they go from enemies to truly understanding one another by seeing past each other’s differences and learning how much they truly have in common underneath it all. It’s an inspiring story that reminds us all that love can sometimes blossom, even in unlikely circumstances!


Thrawn and Sabine make for one of the most compelling couples in Star Wars history due to their forbidden romance between two different sides of galactic politics and cultures. Their shared passion for art brings them together emotionally, allowing viewers to witness true growth over time as they move from enemies to lovers despite the odds against them. So it’s no surprise why so many Star Wars fans are captivated by this couple—we can only hope that we will get a chance to see more of them together on screen soon!