The Similarities and Differences Between Thrawn X Sabine Wren

“I understand. But for now, I must remain here.”

Grand Admiral Thrawn, Thrawn Treason

Similarities are striking given the context from the books to the Star Wars Rebels TV Show. It is exciting to see what will happen in the Live Action show. There are no expectations but speculation of what will happen when Grand Admiral Thrawn meets Sabine Wren. If nothing happens due to several circumstances, then that is fine. But if sparks fly, here are the similarities of why these sparks of flying and why they might be quelled.

As a fan group, the Star Wars Actors Guild 77 (SWAG77) supports the Thrawn X Sabine Wren ship. We are not primary fans of other fan ships, but other fans are free to support what they want. However, this Thrawn X Sabine Wren ship is what we support.

What about the opposite? In speculation, hypotheses creations are declarative, not left to a question. The opposite is a question of “what if, ” which is not a hypothesis. What if questions rely on ancillary ideas with no data to support the question. Our hypothesis has data. Our preliminary data is shown in picture format and a link to a PDF. The conclusion is we will examine the live-action show to see their first interaction, which will determine what direction and type of relationship exist, if any.


Link to the PDF of this preliminary data sheet.